Saturday, May 12, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Twins at 1 year old
Twins at 3 years old


     Imagine being forty-three years old and two precious children address you as mama words never heard referencing me? It's a pretty amazing feeling. I was blessed to forster two pre-mature infants who were abondoned in our local hospital. I had been battling depression after the loss of my mother and great-grandmother who died six months apart from each other. I had a pool of emotions rolling thru me.   I wanted to be happy because my only brother had just married his friend, my sister-in-law  but every now and then sadnesss crept upon me.  About two weeks before Christmas, I received a phone call inquiring if I wanted to foster a set of twin infants who needed a lot of medical attention. I didn't know if I was up for the challenge but I was willing to givet it a try.  With lots of help and prayers from friends, family and God, the boys are healthy, happy and thriving.  By the end of this summer, I will have adopted them. I can't imagine being without them because they have brought me so much happiness.  I smile just to  know I am able to give love, support and direction to them. I recieve love and blessing just knowing that they are what pushes me to make a better life for us all. 
     Brock is my only brother and I love him dearly.  He is such a loving person to all of out family members.  He is nine years younger than I am but I look up to him as if he were older.  He is enlisted in our coutry's finest military--U.S.Navy.  As a kid, he was wild, defiant and unruly but my grandmother's prayers worked a miracle on him.  He recently earned a Master's Degree.  Brock is a brilliant math wiz and thinker, he always has ideas that help his love ones. His goal is to keep family members close to each other, iron out their differences and make relationships work because he says that "WE ARE All WE HAVE!" How could a young man have so much wisdom?  He also helps keep my finances in order.  He says thing to me like, "Are you saving? Have you thought about college for the boys? Just get it,I'll pay for it. Now that's a good brother! It is very imiportant that we keep good relationship beccause he gives me the emotional support and family connection that I need.
"Auntie Do Bee"
     I am known to many kids in the neighborhood as "Auntie DoBee." I have one blood niece who refers to me this way and everyone just caught on.  I was once cast in a child's television program called,"Romoper Room." My character followed the rules and was described as a  "Good Do Bee;" therefore all my friends and neighbors refer to me as such. I got the name when I was about five years old and am still known as Do Bee.  This name carries an image of a person who wants to help and believe in everyone.  I am not perfect but I do love people and enjoy being used as a vessel for positve change. Carrying this image helps me to be a better person and find the good in people even when the unloveable are unlovely.  Being myself is so important to my emotional well-being and my identity lies in simply with expressing who I am.  
     These are a few relationship that I have utilized as an adult.  It has given me a strong foundation of trust, love and support.  I couldn't be me without having these relationships.  As an early childhood educator, I savor all of these relationships and more.  I've learned how to treat all people with respect and dignity and am always willing to share what I know.  This is a good start for me in this field, having knowlegdge without a delivery method is not good for children or their families; therefore,I welcome all relationships that enrich me.   


  1. Thank you for sharing about your depression. I recently read a blog where she talked about how in the blogging world, everyone puts on a happy face and refuses to talk about the ugly in our lives. Depression stinks and is something that I have dealt with everyday since high school.
    Beyond that, those twin boys are adorable! I can't wait to hear more about them through your blog! Keep up the great work Mama and have a wonderful mother's day!

  2. Thanks Amy. Sometimes it is so easy to talk about the good but good is not all that happens to us as human beings. I appreciate my hardship and trials which make me strong. My boys are true characters it is wonderful to feel needed; that's what they add to me. I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with depression since high school. Please seek counseling for relief. If you are a mother, Happy Mother's Day, and if you are not, you will be a mother to the children you will service. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I want to give a shout out to my brother Commander Brock Miller for his new promotion in the US Navy!
