Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Goals!

     My hope and goal for working with children and families that come from diverse backgrounds is that we—early childhood educators- continually educate ourselves so that we can meet the needs of the population. I think this falls in line with the Goals for the Anti-Bias Teacher.  “You will increase your awareness and understanding of your own social identity in its many facets (gender, racial, ethnicity, economic class, family structure, sexual orientation, abilities/disabilities) and your own cultural contexts, both childhood and current” (ABE Goals 1& 2) (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. 21).
     To my very supportive colleagues, I appreciate your encouragement and responses throughout this course and program.  You are truly amazing! I wish you much success in the future. In the event that I could ever be of assistance to you, please contact me via my personal e-mail. ( Best Wishes!

Derman-Sparks & Olsen Edwards. Anti-bias Education For Young Children and Ourselves. 2010. NAEYC. Washington D.C.


  1. Hi Yolonda, thank you for adding to my learning and understanding throughout this course. I have enjoyed reading your anecdotes, your perspective has certainly enhanced my learning. Having enrolled in the course you are well on your way to establishing good study habits and being a life-long learner. I look forward to seeing you in the next course. Wishing you strength and health.
