Saturday, January 14, 2012

Favorite Child's Quote

"Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say!"
Wayne Dyer

This is one of my favorite quotes.  Sometimes we need to see something repeditively to believe and live it.  This quote directly affects my child rearing.  I  have high expectations for my sons.  Most importantly, I want them to live and behave as God fearing men who love God's people.  I have not been such a good example of that--not the man part. I have a very dysfunctional  profane vocabulary at home.  How can I set a good example for my kids? I can't. Eventhough, I want them to be expressive I want them to veer from bad language.  This hit home for me when my baby boy said, "Damn it! Sit yo ass down! Shit!".  I was stunned, shocked and in pure disbelief.  I calmly said to him, Tyrese, use your nice words to ask your brother to move from in front of the tv.  Later, I cried out,"God help me please!" I knew where those awful words came from.  Me, of course. I need to live a profane free life whether my kids are around or not. Now this quote is words I can live by so that I can be a good example to my kids.
                                                                                                              Yolonda Honore'


  1. I am glad you hold your sons to a higher standard. I feel like without guidance people fall apart. I don't have children of my own but i hope i will raise them as well as i have been raised.

    Working with kids really makes you watch your own behavior. I like that about my work because I want to be the best person i can be.

  2. Hi Yolonda! I like your quote its something I have heard all too often. My mother is a God fearing woman and a profane speaker same as you. She raised all of us to fear God and praise him in sunshine and rain. Speaking from a chid's point of view; nobody is perfect and we all fall short of the glory of God so your boys will get what you show them more so than what you say. Continue to live right and everything else will fall into place.
