Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dearron's Drawing

This picture was drawn by my 7 year old godchild in 1998.  When he was small he adored me then.  He would tell me how pretty I was –besides his mom.  LOL! He calls me Nana.  I spent a lot of time with him while he was growing up.  I stressed academics and salvation to him.  In this picture, he just wanted to tell me that he loved me in his own little special way.  He drew a picture of God with angel hearts protecting Him.  Then he was big on monsters and giants. He would say to me I am the smallest kid in my class but I can fight any giant.  He even wrote his phone number for me to remember to call him.  I really love this little drawing because it represents the pure innocent love of a child.   (Just for kicks, I take this picture out and show to his girlfriends.)


  1. That is so touching to have a godchild. I know how you fill about that. Because I had a step- child I raise when she was 3 years old. She drew me pictures all the time and now she still draw me picture and she is in the 6th grade now doing the same. She tell me I am her mom.

  2. Chiquela,
    Children are a gift from God. They make us smile even when we don't want to. Treasure all children especially the ones who you impact the most.
